Planned Giving

Planned giving makes a lasting impact by involving a person’s assets or estate rather than current income. You can arrange to make a planned gift in several ways, including a will. Many people set aside a certain dollar amount or leave a percentage of their estate to a nonprofit beneficiary.

A planned gift allows you to make a lasting contribution aligned with values that are important to you. For 30 years, Avenues has been a trusted resource for youth who are experiencing homelessness in the Twin Cities Metro. You can safeguard this community resource while ensuring that your financial resources continue to be used wisely beyond your lifetime by making a planned gift to Avenues for Youth.

Legacy Circle Logo

Legacy Circle

The Legacy Circle honors those who inform us that they are including Avenues for Youth in their estate plans. This can be through a bequest, charitable gift annuity, designating Avenues as a beneficiary of a Donor Advised Fund, or any other planned giving arrangement. Including Avenues in your estate plans is a wonderful way to ensure that youth experiencing homelessness continue to receive the support they need along with safe and stable housing.

As a member of the Avenues for Youth Legacy Circle, you whole-heartedly commit to ensuring that youth have safe and supportive homes so that they thrive long into the future. Your unwavering support provides funding for young people to achieve their dreams. Through a will, trust or other estate-planning instrument, you designate a portion of your estate, either a percentage or a specific dollar amount, for Avenues for Youth.

Legacy Circle Member Benefits 

Members can include their name in the list of donors or give anonymously. Benefits include: 

  • Gifts can be made in honor, or memory of, a loved one. 
  • Invitations to Avenues for Youth events. 
  • Recognition as a Legacy Circle member in the Foundation’s Annual Report, if desired. 
  • Ongoing recognition as a Legacy Circle member on the organization’s webpage, if desired. 
  • Opportunities for spotlights in Avenues communications to be shared with other donors.  


Informing us of your plans is helpful for several reasons. First, it ensures that Avenues understands your wishes so that your gift will be used exactly as you intend. Second, it allows Avenues to make a note of your gift as we plan for the future. And finally, it lets us express our gratitude for your generosity.

To become a Legacy Circle member, simply complete and return this confidential form.


We’re happy to answer any questions you may have about planned giving. Please feel free to contact Melissa Cuff at or 612-844-2012.

See our latest annual report HERE.



  • We understand that your loved ones will always come first.
  • We will never put you under any pressure. It is your decision to make in your own time.
  • You can change your mind at any time.