
United Way Kick Starts Back to School at Avenues

August 25, 2021

This month Twin Cities United Way donated 112 backpacks full of school supplies for youth at Avenues! The backpacks will help kick start youth going back to school this fall. “A lot of youth (at Avenues) are over eighteen and out of high school,” James Mullins, Avenues Education and Career…

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Meet Judy, A Young Person at Avenues

August 20, 2021

Judy, a 20-year-old at Minneapolis Avenues, shared about her journey at Avenues. Read her interview below. Judy’s Interview What can society do better for youth?  Listen to youth. Ask youth what they need instead of assuming. What do you think causes youth homelessness?  Mental health, family issues, unfair adults, and…

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Meet Alexis, a Mom in Avenues’ Young Families Program

August 4, 2021

Alexis, a parenting youth in our Avenues Young Families Program, shared about her experience and expertise on the program. In this program, single or coupled parents receive rental support while working one-on-one with Avenues staff on their goals. The program supports twelve families at a time, and parents are 18-24…

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Meet Tim and Katie, Hosts in ConneQT and Cheerleaders for the Next Generation

July 29, 2021

This month special guests volunteered at Avenues’ Pride booth. Tim and Katie are hosts in Avenues’ ConneQT program. For three months a 17-year-old youth, Angel, has been living with them. The youth, who uses he/they pronouns, is the first young person Tim and Katie have hosted. “We’ve wanted to be…

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Pediatric Doctor Joins Avenues’ Health and Wellness Team

May 5, 2021

Since mid-March, Avenues has been partnering with Hennepin Healthcare to deepen Avenues’ health and wellness care for youth. Through the partnership, Dr. Rhamy Magid, a pediatric doctor who also served on Avenues’ Board of Directors, is available to youth at Minneapolis and Brooklyn Avenues in addition to our on-site nurse,…

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Statement On Trial Verdict

April 22, 2021

Click here for Avenues’ statement on the Derek Chauvin trail.

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March 2021 AveNEWS

April 1, 2021

Click here for our March Newsletter.

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Avenues for Youth’s Statement on Attacks of AAPI Communities

March 22, 2021

March 22, 2021 Avenues for Youth stands in solidarity with Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. We condemn the racist acts of violence against women in Atlanta on March 16 in the strongest possible terms. Soon Chung Park, Hyun Jung Grant, Suncha Kim, Yong Yue, Delaina Ashley Yaun, Paul Andre…

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February 2021 AveNEWS

February 1, 2021

Click here for our February Newsletter.

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December 2020 AveNEWS

January 13, 2021

Click here for the December AveNEWS.

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